
Melding van 2017-10-26 om 10:48 uur

Rameder’s winter camping tips and tricks

Don’t let Winter Wonderland turn into a nightmare! (EN)
If you think camping is a summer pastime, you’re wrong. Thanks to modern heating and insulation technology, even people who don’t like it cold now go camping in winter. With tips by Rameder (, Europe’s market leader when it comes to towbars and transport accessories, you will get your caravan or camper where you want to go and feel good.

Tip # 1: winter tyres

Use winter tyres on your car or caravan and check their air pressure, tread and integrity on a regular basis. Do also take snow chains in case roads have not been cleared. In many a mountainous region in Europe, these are mandatory anyway.

Tip # 2: camping site

If there is too much snow under your camper or caravan, it may get lopsided when the snow starts to melt. The site should therefore be cleared. And since the ground in winter is moister than in summer, put boards under the stabilizer jacks. That way they may compensate for inclinations and prevent rolling.

Tip # 3: cold protection

Keep warm inside your camper or caravan. Use your A/C’s circulating air mode to keep cold air out. And there are special thermal mats that insulate both in winter and summer. However, since circulating air means more moisture inside, please open the windows on a regular basis. And an awning is a good investment, both as a protected storage site and to dry wet clothing.

Tip # 4: tools

What tools you need you will only notice when it’s too late. Without a hammer, how to get the tent pegs into the frozen ground? Or think of a broom or hand broom to remove snow. If there is too much of it, however, you will also need a shovel.

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Rameder Anhängerkupplungen und Autoteile GmbH
Christiane Rudyk
Frankfurter Ring 95
80807 München • Duitsland

Telefoon +49 (0) 89 358 920 127

    Specialist in trekhaken in Nederland